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The Oort Cloud and the Blue Mountain
By Andreas Schlegel and Hazel Lim-Schlegel
Kinderbiennale 2021, Groninger Museum, Netherlands
June 2021 - Jan 2022

The Oort Cloud and the Blue Mountain produced for the Groningen Museum is adapted from its original presentation for Children Biennale 2019 in Singapore. Due to Covid restrictions, we have adapted several components of the original installation into a multi-screen-based work to reflect the ideas of intangibility/tangibility and teases with the viewers’ perception of space and time.


Through permutations of screen-based components that interact with the audience, we use software to transform and alter gestures, sounds and motions at varying speed and designs. The overall installation depicts a drawing composition, akin to an abstracted landscape or terrain, paying attention to colours, forms, depth and textures. Through the interaction with the cameras that capture movements and gestures, the screens are then ignited into a series of distortions and alterations. This wall comes alive and engages the audience on a sensory adventure - one that enlivens this transitional corridor space with uncanny and unfamiliar forms, sounds, colours and movements.



View the first edition of The Oort Cloud and the Blue Mountain presented in National Gallery Singapore for the Children Biennale 2019


View the official Groninger Museum's Kinder Biënnale 2021 website , the Netherland edition of the Oort Cloud and Blue Mountain, and instagram


An interview with Steven Kolsteren for the Groninger Museum Magazine: 


Photo credit: Groninger Museum 


Installation view of The Oort Cloud and the Blue Mountain in Groninger Museum


Installation view of The Oort Cloud and the Blue Mountain in Groninger Museum


Audience interacting with installation 


Audience interacting with installation 


Installation view


Installation view

 © 2023 by Hazel Lim

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