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Sewing Discord
Jendela Gallery, Esplanade, Singapore
16 April to 29 August 2021

About the Exhibition

Curated by Lu Xiaohui, Sewing Discord is an exhibition that brings together 5 artists (Hazel Lim, Ginette Chittick, Nature Shankar, Jodi Tan, Berny Tan) whose creative approaches incorporate aspects of crafting technologies such as weaving, embroidery, origami and cross-stitching. Whilst interrogating other mediums such as painting, sculpture and architectural forms, their use of craft as a methodology is one that seeks to reinterpret the position of craft in the hierarchy of visual culture. Commonly seen as a medium used by women in domesticated spaces - it is devoid of power and strength and one that is perceived as purely decorative and trivial. Whether they are using personal narratives as an anchor point, or negotiating visual forms through the lenses of sculpture or painting, craft as a method is meant to raise conversations about the unspoken, unseen and invisible. In many ways, the artists intend for the craft technique/s used to create deceptions of craft’s commonplace meanings and allusions. Thus, Sewing Discord is meant to draw one’s stereotypical perception of craft and seeks to thwart and upset the meanings it had come to possess. 

Aesthetics of Care

Stemming from an ongoing research project undertaken by Hazel Lim and Ginette Chittick, this exhibition is their second foray into the use of craft within the realms of art/design to articulate the aesthetics of care. This aesthetics of care is the driving force for this exhibition and for the artists, it is rooted in their own experiences as creatives, mothers and daughters. 


The artists want to bring into view works that are done by individuals and in particular, females whose heritage and cultures are embedded in the craft practices and methodologies that constitute a part of their everyday life, craft such as weaving, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, tapestries, origami, lantern making, basket weaving, etc. They define these artistries as possessing the aesthetics of care as they often involved the intricate patterning or fashioning of materials to create objects and things one can use around and within the house. They are steeped with intentions of care and protection for the people who use them or adorn them within the domestic sphere and often are a result of unseen labour. 


ASMR video and Exhibition video tour


Download Sewing Discord exhibition guide at this link: Sewing Discord exhibition guide

Offstage - Interview with Hazel Lim and Ginette Chittick: Interview-Offstage

Review by Stephanie Yeap for Art & Market: Spotlighting craft as contemporary art 

Review by 李雅歌 Li Yage for Zaobao: 让针线在疫下 缝织无私关怀

Photo credits: See Kian Wee

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Exhibition write up in the Jendela Gallery 

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Exhibition view from the entrance 

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From left to right: The Garden; All Pastels, Twilight behind the Pine Trees; The Dance of the Happy Shade

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All Pastels, Twilight behind the Pine Trees, Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 86 x 55 x 7 cm, 2021 

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Dance of the Happy Shade, Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 86 x 55 x 7 cm. 2021 

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Dance of the Happy Shade (Detail), Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 86 x 55 x 7 cm, 2021 

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Exhibition view

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Exhibition view

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The Garden, Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 73 x 68 x 8 cm, 2021 

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Exhibition view

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Exhibition view

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Shards of Viridian, Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 63 x 30 x 6 cm, 2020 

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Shards of Viridian (Detail), Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 63 x 30 x 6 cm, 2020 

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Vermillion Kisses, Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 68 x 30 x 6.5 cm, 2021 

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Vermillion Kisses (Detail), Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 68 x 30 x 6.5 cm, 2021 

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A Slash of Blue, Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 53 x 53 x 5 cm, 2021 

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A Sweep of Grey, Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 53 x 53 x 5 cm, 2021

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A Slash of Blue (Detail), Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 53 x 53 x 5 cm, 2021 

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Exhibition view

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Liquified, Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 184 x 40.5 cm, 2019

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Liquified (Detail), Chromatico Paper and Acrylic, 184 x 40.5 cm, 2019

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Exhibition view

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Squaring the Circle (12 pieces), Linen and DMC thread, 20 x 20 cm, 2021

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Aerobics (5 pieces), Linen and DMC thread, Variable dimensions, 2021

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