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a minor parallax 
Solo exhibition by Hazel Lim
Art Porters Gallery, Singapore
01 September to 08 October 2023

Making inference to a disjointed chord, or a slight shift in perception, a minor parallax is Hazel’s explorations of colours through the interplay of paper foldings, textual constructions, and the periodic table. This solo exhibition showcases her fascination with natural phenomena: from the enigmatic parallax errors and shimmering refractions to the elusive Fata Morgana, and the mystique of the horizon in landscapes. Within the paper tapestries, she crafts planar and sinuous forms of colours using modular paper origami, with each fold unveiling a delicate dance between light and shadow. Meanwhile, in the pages of the origami books, she weaves and conjures tales of painterly pigments. 

a minor parallax extends an invitation to immerse in a kaleidoscope of possibilities, where each artwork offers a unique vista and invites exploration from various angles. Through the works, the exhibition opens doors to diverse interpretations, inspiring the visitors to embrace multiple points of view.


Intimately connected to the paper tapestries are 4 sets of origami books Vermillion, Terre Verte, Cerulean Blue, Indigo - which are from the research Colours Indicted - a study to disassociate meanings from colours. In these works, the artist imagines that colours were captured and imprisoned within the labels, constructions, meanings attributed to them. So in this exercise, it seeks to reimagine the semiotics of colours. Within the set of handcrafted ‘coloured’ origami books, are the elements that made the colour pigments. And for each element, the artist wrote a haiku-inspired poem with a metre of 4 lines x 8 syllables - to fit within a square formation, and the 8-page fold of the origami book.

Unlike the paper tapestries in which the colours are clearly visible, the idea is for one to not make sense of the colour through its visuality but through the beat of each broken/ fragmented word found in the pages. 

These sets of books are accompanied by the spoken word and sonic interpretations by musician Inch Chua (access them via the QR codes found in the e-catalogue)


Download the e-catalogue here



a minor parallax exhibition flyer

untitled poem by Tania de Rozario for a minor parallax exhibition flyer

Wall text - a minor parallax, 2023, in Art Porters Gallery

Aminorparralax-12 (1).jpg

Exhibition view of a minor parallax, 2023, Art Porters Gallery


Cloud complex, paper and acrylic, 85 x 85 x 8 cm, 2023 (left)

Dull Grays of Light, paper and acrylic, 100 x 53 x 6 cm, 2022 (right)

The air was cool and thick with fog, paper and acrylic, 98 x 74 x 8 cm, 2023

Sweet nothings, paper and acrylic, 90 x 72 x 8 cm, 2023

You fit into me, like a hook into an eye, paper and acrylic, 88 x 50 x 8 cm, 2023

The Garden, paper and acrylic, 73 x 68 x 8 cm, 2023

A slight change of plans, paper and acrylic, 65 x 40 x 7 cm, 2023 (left)

Remember to be tender, paper and acrylic, 65 x 40 x 7 cm, 2023 (right)

Saffron coast, paper and acrylic, 77 x 27, x 6 cm, 2023

Cloud complex, paper and acrylic, 85 x 85 x 8 cm, 2023 

Aerobics II, paper and acrylic, 85 x 33 x 7 cm, 2023 (left)

Marginal Swells, paper and acrylic, 71 x 35 x 6 cm, 2023 (right)

Dull Grays of Light, paper and acrylic, 100 x 53 x 6 cm, 2022 

Liquified, paper, 80 x 250 cm, 2021-2023 

Strange currents and buoyant bodies, 61 x 61 x 7 cm, 2023

The coast is clear, 61 x 61 x 7 cm, 2023 

Velvet Steel, paper and acrylic, 50 x 50 x 7 cm, 2023 

Exhibition view of a minor parallax, 2023, Art Porters Gallery

(from left) Vermillion, Terre Verte, Indigo and Cerulean Blue (in collaboration with Inch Chua)

origami books, MDF + Sound/Audio, 2023

Vermillion (S + Sm + Lu + Hg) , 21 x 20 x 6 cm, origami books, MDF + Sound/Audio, 2023

Terre Verte (O + Mg + Al + K + Fe) , 50 x 21 x 6 cm, origami books, MDF + Sound/Audio, 2023

Indigo (H + C + N + O + Na + In) , 30 x 21 x 6 cm, origami books, MDF + Sound/Audio, 2023

Cerulean Blue (O + Co + Sn + Ta) , 21 x 20 x 6 cm, origami books, MDF + Sound/Audio, 2023

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